Декор рубашки - Explore these ideas and more! - Pinterest
Most of us, post-Soviet women had our prom dresses "made out of curtain" or so it looked. In I posted an entry inviting my readers to share their high school prom dress experiences and received an overwhelming response. For most of us prom dress brings bitter-sweet memories.
Turkish Delight – 1st – 28th Jan
One month ago, I made a pact with a couple of new writing partners. We would publish one blog post by the end of the month. Writing for this space feels a little uncomfortable, like shrugging back into a shirt that once fit fine but now hangs differently than it used to. Despite the twisting and turning to view all my angles in the mirror, the question remains: does this still suit or is it something that would be better put away for good? Our closets evolve like we do… items purchased and hopefully given not thrown away as our bodies and tastes change.
Makry Gialos to Sitia Distance: The sun is shining and the wind is not blowing a gale. Clean out our room, feed the cats and then we are on our bikes ready to go.
- Слово «разница» многозначно. Четыре. Я по уши опутан кабелем. Зная, плутоний - искусственный, попыталась помочь Стратмору.